Saturday, October 4, 2008

This Weekend

YES!!!!! The weekend!!! Who doesn't enjoy the sweetness of Saturday and Sunday? I know that I enjoy every exiting moment. I want to go to eat pizza at some pizza place for example Petter Pipper Pizza,but I'm not sure yet. I know that I might not be able to go so i should just let it go. I don't want to stay home alone and really bored with nothing to do so I will do my homework and then probably play pillow fight with my little bitter brother.

Now it's Saturday and I just finished putting my last puzzle piece on a puzzle which I was going crazy for. I'm still doing my blog because I have nothing else to do this boring weekend,well so far boringly boring weekend because I can't predict the future. I'm back trying to finish and finishing my blog while eating and wondering if I am ever going to finish my blog on time. Well there's nothing interesting happening so I guess I'm going to make this my blog assignment and now I'm wishing I was at school actually doing something.
green- Alliteration
blue- Assonance
purple- Consonance

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

CJ! I'm so glad you tried to use assonance and consonance. Not many people did, and I can tell you worked hard on putting them into your writing.